Donate Your Birthday in support of CWS

Due to the war in Ukraine & the unfolding global food crisis, I am partnering w/ CWS to feed the hungry. Our gifts will have lasting impact.
The devastation in Ukraine is tragically creating a tsunami on food security, not just in country but around the globe. As an officer of Church World Service, I know well their commitment to finding just and sustainable solutions to address all aspects of this emergency – from helping Ukrainian refugees, to providing emergency food to those impacted globally, and helping build stronger food systems around the world. When we give, our gifts will provide live-saving support such as emergency food now and the seeds, tools and programs that will help families feed themselves in the future.
The current war on Ukraine has disrupted supply chains, planting and harvest. As a top five global producer of wheat, there is great uncertainty surrounding exports, severely impacting global markets. As a result of the continued war, 47 million more people globally will suffer from acute malnutrition, resulting in a total of 323 million people that can't sufficiently meet their hunger needs.